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Steel Wire Rope Slings | AL BADER TRADING EST

Steel Wire Rope Slings

  • Steel wire rope slings


                     AL BADER TRADING services supply a comprehensive range of Steel wire rope slings with end fittings in accordance with BS EN and ASME B 30.9 standards. Slings are coming with single leg or multi leg slings with appropriate end fittings, Wire rope slings cover all general lifting applications. Wire rope slings are often used in industries because of its strength, durability, abrasion resistance and ability to conform to the shape of the loads on which it is used. In addition, wire rope slings are able to lift hot materials. Wire rope slings are made from various grades of wire rope, but the most common grades in use are Extra Improved Plow Steel (EIPS) and Extra Extra Improved Plow Steel (EEIPS). When selecting a wire rope sling to give the best service, consider four characteristics: strength, ability to bend without distortion, ability to withstand abrasive wear, and ability to withstand abuse.


Albader Trading services supplies:

  • Steel wire rope sling from 6mm (1/4”) to 77mm (3”) by Flemish spliced soft/ Thimble eyes with steel ferrules (Both single leg and multi legs). Conforming BSEN 13414-1 & ASME B 30.9
  • Steel wire rope sling from 6mm (1/4”) to 77mm (3”) by Turn back loop soft/ Thimble eyes with Aluminium ferrules. (Both single leg and multi legs) Conforming BSEN 13414-1 & ASME B 30.9
  • Hand spliced steel wire rope sling, conforming BS EN 13414-2
  • Steel wire rope grommet sling, conforming BS EN 13414-2
  • Steel wire rope with spelter sockets & swage sockets conforming ASME B 30.9
  • Multipart steel wire rope sling, conforming ASME B 30.9

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